Train Pantograph Market: Overview The pantograph is used on the roof of the train for transmitting current from overhead catenary wire and supply to the locomotive’s engine. The main component of pantograph are pallet, upper arm, guiding rod, coupling rod, lower arm, lifting device and support insulator. When electric locomotive moves, the pallets stretches by the help of spring and touches the overhead wire. Subsequently, current supply start and train could move over the rail. In modern train half-pantograph (Z-shape) is used particularly for high speed train, owing to high operating responsive at high speed. Trains pantograph may have either a single or double arm. In heavy load transit such as freight train double arm is used owing to more electric power is required for movement of trains. Whilst, in other types of train such as metro, trams, mainline trains single arm is used for power supply to the locomotive. In the 18th century pressure lifted pantograph was ...
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