Market Outlook There has been an increase in demand for processed food in recent years. Changing lifestyle, increase in the number of working population, busy and sedentary lifestyle has led to change in dietary habits of people. There is an increased demand for bakery and confectionery products as well. The increasing demand for various processed foods also increases the demand for emulsifying and foaming agents. Quillaia Extract is one of the emulsifying agents, which is getting popular these days among the food processors. Quillaia Extract is obtained by chromatographic separation or aqueous derivation of milled inner bark and small branches of soapbark tree. Quillaia Extract is rich in saponin, tannin, and polyphenols and is used as an additive during food processing. Quillaia Extract is extensively used in the enhancement of texture, flavor, and fragrance. Quillaia Extract also finds application in cosmetics and healthcare industry. Thus with number application ...
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