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Vegan Cheese Rises in Customer due to Rising awareness of lactose-intolerant conditions

 Vegan   cheese , on the other hand, is entirely plant-based and it involves consolidating the protein mass from various plant sources with lactic bacteria that may also be added in for acidity. Vegan cheese can be made from soy protein, nutritional yeast, thickening agar flakes, nuts, tapioca flour, natural enzymes, vegetable glycerin, assorted bacterial cultures, arrowroot, and pea protein. For More Details Click here @ Household consumption of the vegan cheese is growing highest pace, owing to growth in awareness regarding the benefits of the plant-based dairy products, availability at convenience store, and growth in trend of flexitariaon diet. It has been gaining considerable popularity among the millennial population, owing to various benefits such as it improves mental health condition and reduces severity of certain allergies and eczema.