Single board computers are built on a circuit board with all the required features such as microprocessor, memory, and input/output. They are built of different kinds of microprocessors and often designed by computer hobbyists to make use of static RAM and low cost 8-bit or 16-bit processors. These have applications in home computers, portable devices, typically gaming (slot machines and video poker), kiosk, and machine control automation to minimize the shape and size of these computers such as notebooks. The key market leaders profiled in the report include Advantech Co. Ltd., Eurotech Group, Digi International Inc., Aaeon Technology Inc., Mercury Systems Inc., Intel Corporation, Adlink Technology Inc., Texas Instruments Inc., Xilinx Inc., and Qualcomm Incorporated. For Detailed Report Including TOC, Tables & Figure Click here @ The use of single board computers in notebooks, smartphones, and gaming systems is increasing due to the develo...
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